We believe the best way to make gains from Ketamine Infusion Therapy (KIT) is in combination with Psychotherapy.

Ketamine Adjacent Psychotherapy (KAP) happens concurrently, within a few days before and/or after (KIT) Ketamine Infusion Therapy.

Our unique approach offers you a safe place for Psychotherapy. You can tap into our Psychologist,
or bring your own.

Option 1

Use our Psychologist-In-Residence

Option 2

Bring your own therapist

We have a Psycholologist trained in Ketamine Care on site.

Meet Dr. M.

Melissa Briggs-Phillips, PHD

MiNDSET Integrative Ketamine Care

Chief Psychotherapy Officer and Psychologist-In-Residence

(800) 570-1509

Hello! My name is Dr. Melissa Briggs-Phillips. I am honored to join MiNDSET as Director of Psychological Services. I am a psychologist with decades of experience treating depression, anxiety and trauma.


I provide Ketamine Adjacent Psychotherapy on location as well as other direct clinical services. I oversee our integrated team, and will be developing our innovative “fractional use” office sharing program which allows clients to have their existing therapist to our location as needed.

If you cannot find what you are seeking on our website, please feel free to call or email with any questions.

We look forward to helping you see the world beyond the given.

(800) 570-1509


We would love to partner with you to provide this innovative treatment approach for your patients who can benefit from it.

What to expect/our process

  1. We will work with you to evaluate your patients’ eligibility for ketamine treatment, then schedule 6 sessions

2. During the sessions, we’ll administer ketamine through IV, and provide a private space for you to meet with your patient after their ketamine experience

3. This allows for you and your patient to discuss their revelations while they are still accessible and fresh in their mind


What is the goal of a KIT or KAP protocol?

In short, the goal is psychological flexibility. Can I talk about this for a minute?

I have worked with trauma survivors for almost 30 years. I have worked with executives and leaders for about 15 years. While this may seem like an odd combo, there is ONE THING in common.

I teach, train, talk about, approach being a zealot-about the life changing impact of PSYCHOLOGICAL FLEXIBILITY.

In my corporate work we call it “mental toughness”…but I am on a mission to rebrand this for what it actually is.

A few months ago a massive study was released that has left me feeling vindicated. Several researchers at multiple universities looked at over 54, 633 published research studies trying to answer a simple question: How does therapy work?

We know it does. We also know it does not work for everyone. We also know that certain therapists get consistently, markedly more improved outcomes. But why? How?

The researchers concluded that (other than the impact of a great therapist) the single, largest, most impactful variable that predicted well-being across all kinds of life variables was PSYCHOLOGICAL FLEXIBILITY SKILLS. How these were taught was not super important! Various frameworks and theoretical orientations were not that big of a deal. What did matter was IF the person was able to learn and integrate psychological flexibility skills.

What can I expect?

Ketamine induces an expanded state of consciousness. An expanded state does NOT necessarily mean pleasant, but it does mean productive. Most of the pain of our human experience can be linked to rigid thinking. And most of our rigid thinking can be challenged with two things: psychotherapy (words and language) that asks you to use parts of your prefrontal cortex to challenge you to think about an old idea in a new way and psychopharmacological intervention that works on the structure of the brain itself.

I am in the business of the former, and MiNDSET Ketamine founder is in the business of the later. Together? Psychological flexibility is the desired outcome.

Does our brain mediate or generate consciousness?

I don’t know. No one does. And if anyone says they know the answer, we are skeptical. What we DO KNOW, is the following.

Ketamine is a non-specific amplifier. Simply put, this means that the chemical compound works on the gas pedal and the brake of your brain.

Glutamate is the gas pedal. GABA is the brake. Ketamine holds off the brake and allows the gas pedal to do its thing. If you want me to give you an hour lecture on Brain Drive Neurotropic Factor, TPN, DMN, SAL, etc etc I will.

Suffice it to say, the DMN or the “default mode network” is where we think our sense of “self” sits.

This is your EGO and this is where most of us can really (really) set stuck…and suffer.

Ketamine pauses the brake quickly, and allows the DMN to work swiftly.

Do I HAVE to do a ketamine protocol or can I just see if psychotherapy with Dr.M is right for me?

Of COURSE you do not need to engage in a ketamine protocol! We are an integrated practice and we MEAN THIS SINCERELY. I will have availability for new clients for a short period of time, and we plan to bring in the best, experienced, and proven psychotherapists as partners.

Can I use my insurance for ketamine or psychotherapy services with MiNDSET?

At this time, we are only a fee-for-service, pay out of pocket practice. This modality is novel, the cost of business is extremely high. We will be offering pro bono and reduced fee services over time. Stay tuned for how to access those paths as we develop them. We know that cost is a barrier for a lot of us.

In the meantime, I challenge folks to look at their budget and think about how much they invest in their “outsides” (hair/skin/body, lotions/potions/tonics, injectables/fillers/supplements) and ask if their “insides” are worth at least as much?

Can my current therapist come with me for an intention session or integration session at MiNDSET?

As a standard of practice, and in accordance with current research and best practices, we do not allow therapists to be in the sessions DURING infusions. Many patients go nonverbal, or say things that are gibberish. The power of the work comes before and after with a therapist!

We offer the use of our beautiful space for a nominal fee for Intention Setting or Integration work with your trusted therapist. We want to assure you though, that this is not a requirement for the exponential gain in combining KIT with KAP. Ketamine is a behavioral potentiator-this is now you change your life! (change your MiNDSET, change your behaviors, change your life). Sometimes it is even more effective for you to take a day or two and journal and write and process your infusion session and then explore it with your therapist a couple days later.

Fees for Psychotherapy, Intention Setting and Integration sessions?

Dr. M is $195.00 an hour. We can provide receipts for you to submit for Out of Network reimbursement if you desire.

Read more about MiNDSET, Ketamine Infusion Therapy (KIT) and  Ketamine Adjacent Psychotherapy (KAP).

In the News: How integrative ketamine care ‘changed’ Ohio man’s life

In the News: How integrative ketamine care ‘changed’ Ohio man’s life

In Columbus, Ohio, the first ketamine-assisted psychotherapy clinic recently opened, offering a new form of treatment for psychiatric disorders. Austin Hoover, a man in his 30s who has been battling treatment-resistant depression and suicidal thoughts, started receiving treatments at the clinic. Combining ketamine with psychotherapy, the clinic has shown promising results, with patients often experiencing immediate improvement and a higher effectiveness rate compared to traditional antidepressant medications. Hoover has found relief from his symptoms and is now able to focus on being a father, offering hope to others who may be struggling.

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Are you K Curious?

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MiNDSET Integrative Ketamine Care Clinic, licensed by the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, is the only such clinic in Ohio, applying groundbreaking research and clinical studies through the integration of psychotherapy with approved doses of IV ketamine.  Using Ketamine, the FDA-approved anesthetic medication in conjunction with psychotherapy, has proven to help people experience more frequent breakthroughs and sustained improvement in symptoms of depression.
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